Thursday, June 28, 2012

Stories Of Faith & Identity

Here's a couple of more thought-provoking articles for the day; they deal with LGBTQ, etc. identity and matters of faith and religion.

First up is an article from back in February from the Rev. Dr. Janet Edwards, a minister in Presbyterian Church USA.  She confronts five questions about her sexual orientation and identity:
  1. Aren't you really a lesbian who can't admit it?
  2. How can you claim to be Christian who believes in the Bible when you live a promiscuous lifestyle?
  3. How can your husband stand for your confession that you are bisexual? (has my favorite answer)
  4. If you're married to a man, why does talking about being bisexual matter? Aren't you just seeking attention?
  5. How can you, as a bisexual minister, be a teacher and model of morality, especially sexual morality, to the young people in the church?
Her honesty about her bisexuality and faith is refreshing on many levels.

Finally, here is a story about a Southern Baptist father and his family's struggle with the realization of their son/brother admitting he's gay, the son/brother becoming a victim of AIDS in the 1990s, and what this all meant for the father's faith and participation in the church.  Quality feature writing and virtually no bias in this article.


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