Monday, April 30, 2012

A Polyamorous Story

One misconception leveled at bisexuals is that if we are attracted to both men and women, we must be polyamorous.  This may be true for a small number of bisexuals, but most of us just want to be in a loving relationship like a majority of people in the world.

Besides, polyamory isn't only for bisexuals.  Polyamory has existed in the heterosexual world for millenia.  It also exists in the homosexual world.

An interesting story came across my radar earlier today: a story of a closed polyamorous relationship between three gay men in New York City.  Here's the video:

While the entire thing is fascinating to me, what I found most interesting is how intolerant their gay friends were and how unwilling some of them seemed to be, especially opposed to their straight friends.

I'm usually all for monogamy, but if polyamory works in the way it seems to be working with Franco, Mark, and Vinny, then maybe I'm not so opposed to the idea after all.

What are your thoughts on this story?  On polyamory in general?

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